Monday, August 20, 2007



Welll, what do we know about "UNDERSTANDING" ?
A very heavy word or The base of all relationships??? is that it?
Many of us consider Understanding as "Knowing what a person is thinking without them telling you." .... That is so "Not-True". At least I dont agree with this.

I believe understanding someone means discussing the rights and the wrongs, and mutually agreeing on one conclusion. If you can not agree on a single point, it does not mean lack of understanding, it simply means, Lack of detail, so go ahead, dig in for more detail.
Approach, Patience, Love, Understanding, are the Four keywords for a successful relationship.

What say you??

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well thats a great thoight abt understaning..I also feel that understanding is not working on same pace but how well u agree and accept the differences between the two..thats what compromises understanding